About Diligent News
Diligent news provides history, analysis and assessments of global geopolitical issues & conflicts as well as US domestic Politics.
America is off course, we are no longer a 'shining city upon a hill'. We cannot fix this merely reading (and arguing over) headlines nor by shouting talking points. We need to dive in, research & understand beyond the talking points. Diligent News will help do the research for you, provide you detailed articles and the sources used to come to our conclusions.
About the writer
“It is thy duty to order thy life well in every single act; and if every act does its duty, as far as is possible, be content” — Marcus Aurelius
I am a USMC veteran & I have some college education in these topics but considerable effort is put into researching & writing these articles. I write because neither my service nor my vote will secure America’s future for my kids. This is my attempt to do my duty, so I may be content.
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