We have been trained to accept that the many, many politicians who stand in front of an israeli flag or kiss a wall in occupied Jerusalem are doing so in order to win ‘the Jewish vote’, some say it’s not just them, its also to win the ‘Christian Zionist’ vote. In light of the trillions of dollars we have spent supporting Israel (from direct contributions to fighting wars on israel’s behalf) one would assume these groups are a huge and swayable voting block in the United States. The reality is, they are merely tools to provide cover for corruption & treason.
The ‘Jewish vote’
Almost 100% of the time when you say “The Jewish ____”, it is the reason you will be slammed for anti-semitism, yet when our politicians pretend that Jews are a monolith that vote only in service to a foreign nation, they get a free pass.
“When we look at American Jew’s attitudes towards Israel based on a 2020 survey conducted by Pew research 54% have never been, 25% feel ‘very emotionally attached to Israel, 32% ‘somewhat’ and 41% ‘not much/not at all’. In this 2020 survey, 54% felt the level of American support was ‘about right’ and 22% said the US was too supportive.” — Guarding Your Humanity
I thought, MAYBE 25% of American Jews (the ‘very emotionally attached’) vote primarily on ‘israel policy’. I assumed others vote like other Americans, based on a variety of issues and what impacts their daily life the most (or … more likely, whatever party they happened to fall into as a young adult). My estimation was much too high. PRRI has a survey from 2012 that shows only 4% of Jewish respondents voted primarily based on israel though 20% felt ‘support for israel’ was ‘most important’ to their identity’ [1].
Polling of American Jews shows that on average, since 1968 Jews have voted Democrats over Republicans 71% to 26%[2] . In 2020 68% Jewish voters voted for Biden with only 30% voting for Trump [2]. So the “Jewish vote” is NOT in play for Republicans.
What would the impact be for states if parties “abandoned israel” by putting America First? Would states swing wildly? The answer here is , no [1]. Most American Jews live in NY and they make up 9.1% of the State’s population. If 100% of them voted Democrat in 2020, and now switched Republican, NY would still be won by the Democrats (NY was won by a >15% margin in 2020). This is not accounting for Jews that don’t vote, it is assuming (as do the calculations below), that 100% of Jews vote, it does not distinguish between those even eligible to vote or not.
Looking at the states with the smallest margin of victory, only 4 have a TOTAL Jewish population HIGHER than the margin of victory. Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania & Nevada. ALL were won by Biden in 2020. If Biden ‘abandoned israel’ and alienated 100% of the Jewish population it MIGHT make a difference. Now if we say of the Jewish vote only 68% of them were ‘in play’ for Democrats, only 3 states remain ‘flippable’ (GA, AZ, PA). If only Jewish voters ‘very attached’ to israel vote based on israel support, that means only 25% of the total Jewish population is in play. Adjusting the percent down to only 25% means only 2 states have a population > than the margin (GA, AZ). If we adjust again on party lines, no states are left. Again, this is total Jewish population, not factoring in those eligible to vote or those that choose not to vote. I want to note, Florida is ‘close’ and was won by Trump, but if only 30% of Jews vote Republican, it will not make a difference anyway (even at 100% he still would’ve held the state).
It should be clear by the above analysis that the “Jewish vote” is not deciding elections. Remember this each time we see special legislation being pushed/passed in congress and each time we see a Presidential candidate standing in front of a foreign nations flag and pledging allegiance to it at the expense of America.
The “Christian” Zionist vote
The “Christian” Zionist vote. If you want to learn why Christian is in quotes, read the linked article. In total, roughly 14% of Americans identify as ‘white evangelicals’ , its harder than you may think to find the ‘total’ evangelical percentage. This is the oldest religious group, with a median age of 56.
Evangelicals are another voting block that isn’t. We know already that a VERY large majority of African Americans vote Democrat, that in itself suggests a ‘split’ among Christian Evangelicals. The Times of Israel reported in 2021 a MASSIVE drop in support among young evangelicals [18-29], with only 33.6% supporting israel, 24.3% supporting Palestinians and 42.2% saying neither. This is down from 69% support in 2018 and only 5.6% support for Palestinians [3]. Across all age groups, 45% support the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Looking at PRRI data [4], we can get the percentage of White evangelical Christians per state. If all of them were israel first zionists, they would be larger than the margin in 27 states. That is IF they voted only on Israel, in 100% uniform fashion. I think it is safe to assume that Democrats aren’t losing many of the ‘Christian’ zionist votes, so lets take a a look at how it might impact Republicans.
First, 45% support a Palestinian State, so we know they are NOT israel-firsters. If we adjust and say only 55% of them are israel firsters, then they are larger than the margin in 12 states. Based on a PEW poll, we see only 33% of White evangelicals support a ‘one state’ israel solution [5]. If we assume ALL of them are “israel first” voters willing to destroy America for Israel, we would be left with 8 states that could ‘swing’ of those ONLY 2 were actually won by Trump in 2020. This implies that Biden would likely STILL win these states (as Democrats are likely NOT pulling many of these votes to begin with).
After Roe v. Wade was overturned, many saw Republicans taking a hit politically and as a result, many Republicans are shifting on abortion. Yet, in EVERY SINGLE STATE, all 50, the percent who oppose abortion is larger than the TOTAL number of evangelicals. If Republicans were so desperate for hardline votes, why are they not aiming at the VERY large group that are anti-abortion?
A gallop Poll in march of 2024 show that only 38% of Americans approve of israeli military actions in Gaza. This support generally comes from older Americans who are more or less captured by corporate media and their decades long and ongoing propaganda campaign to convince Americans to sacrifice on behalf of Israel. This capture is discussed a bit in ‘Guarding your Humanity’. Even this poll question is phrased in a way supportive of Israel’s narrative vs the reality of israel’s ongoing Genocide.
Importantly only 36% of Americans support continued military aid to israel. While only 37% are ‘opposed’, another 29% are ‘not sure’ or indifferent and given the nature and cost of aid, should be counted (in my opinion) as against.
Zionist Money & Influence
AIPAC, a group that should be registered with FARA, supports politicians who give unquestioning loyalty to Israel. They openly boast of how they influence our elections in favor of israel and even have ‘AIPAC Handlers’ assigned to each politician in DC. The corruption & betrayal is directly in view. This election cycle (2023-2024) AIPAC has spent almost $42 million on campaign contributions and another $4.6 million on lobbying [6] . AIPAC is the most influential zionist group but their are others, the chart below shows ‘pro israel’ contributors as per opensecrets.org [7]
Those on X/twitter will often see coordinated messages sent out from official handles, very clearly echoing the same message (likely as per instructions). In addition to the money, the israeli government conducts propaganda campaigns directly targeting American politicians [8].
Military Industrial Complex
The entities above are just those openly zionist. In context of the military industrial complex, our support of israel has ALWAYS been a ‘golden goose’ for the industries that profit from war. We knew early on that our support of the zionist project would lead to constant war and I believe THAT was a major reason that our support for it began. I cover the military industrial complex in depth here in , War is Still a Racket.
“Institutional Investors”
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If you find yourself wondering ‘why is the media covering up these crimes’, it becomes quite clear when you dig into ownership. Most media companies are primarily owned by ‘institutional investors’ (big banks, investment firms, college endowments etc). These are the same institutional investors that own the military industrial complex. These are the same institutional investors that own “big food” , “big pharma” and “big tech”. All of them stand to profit when the Federal Reserve prints money for more wars (see Fiat Food by Matthew Lysiak and, for historical context, When Money Dies by Adam Ferguson) .
We can see definitively that the “Jewish Vote” is NOT deciding Presidential elections. We can see, and apply logic to understand that Democrat candidates have too many other issues, besides zionism, to pull any ‘Israel first’ votes. Furthermore, we can see that the percent of Evangelicals that are purely ‘israel first’ voters is likely VERY low.
Especially in the current race, it would be beneficial for either party to abandon this ‘sacrifice for israel’ policy. There is no ‘plausible deniability’ for Democrats. There is NOTHIGN for them to hide their corruption behind. They should be called out and shamed until they abandon this policy which much of at least 52% of their voters are against.
For Republicans, the thin veil of this deception is easily pulled away. We can see how little impact these ‘israel first’ voters really have. We can see that given the choices, most of them would not ‘jump ship’. The ‘Republican support’ for zionism is much more likely to be FROM the party, not from an individual’s personal ideology. The surge in popularity around the rhetoric of ‘no new wars’ and ‘America First’ shows that Americans have had enough of fighting these ‘forever wars’. Ending our support of israel’s ongoing atrocities and ending our promise to fight a war with Iran on israel’s behalf would win over MANY disillusioned voters while risking very few.
Instead, what both parties are doing is using a fanatical, morally depraved tiny fraction of these two groups to provide unending cover for war, corruption, greed and treason. These politicians, on behalf of DONORS, not voters, are sacrificing American Lives, Liberty & Property and betraying American interests on behalf of israeli interests. We must reject this lie and hold those powered by greed accountable.
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PRRI 2012 Jewish Values Survey, https://prri.parc.us.com/client/index.html#/search
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