Jun 29Liked by Eomar

Wow! I learned more in 10 minutes than I knew from 10 years of media presentation. Well written and objective. Kudos.

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Thank you!

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Jun 28Liked by Eomar

I couldn’t agree more with your analysis. While I wasn’t surprised by Biden’s appearance or performance (I don’t read corporate news), it was still pitiful to watch him last night. Also a shame that RFK didn’t have an opportunity to chime in on the national stage as he adds a healthy dynamic to the election. Vivek was my top choice Republican candidate, so

I, too, hope gets the VP nod. He would also make an amazing WH press secretary although that position is beneath him.

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yea, i wanted to laugh more during the debate but it was legitimately sad. It would have been great to RFK there, i haven't watched his video yet either but intend to at some point. I think Vivek adds votes to Trump's ticket (i think the others are just doubling down on voters Trump already won) so i hope he makes the right choice.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

I love the article and perspective and agree with everything here EXCEPT the notion of wasting a vote on a third party with no chance. It’s a choice between an incapable, feeble old man being puppeteered and a pompous windbag with a proven ability to lead. RFK would be a waste in a moment when it counts. Plain, pure, and simple! Vivek or RFK would be great in either position, but that’s not the reality, unfortunately. Those who vote outside the two main options show they can’t prioritize the greater good, choosing instead to satisfy their own personal preferences.

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Outstanding commentary and well written. Even supporting to vote for whoever represents your interests is well stated. However, you are obviously smart enough to realize there is never the perfect candidate that will completely satisfy every aspect of your preferred representation. A choice must be made to fill most, or some, of your desires and minimize your distastes. Also, you’re correct that you are voting for the future of the country. With all of that consideration, if there’s a candidate that will move the needle in the direction that reflects your views, vote that way. Having said that, a case can be made that a few percentage points on a candidate that has no chance of winning can put into office that candidate that is your least desirable outcome and make no difference in the policy decisions you sought in the first place. Sometimes, it is preferable to vote for your second, or third choice if you want to be assured your last choice doesn’t win. Otherwise, you’ll have truly “thrown away your vote”.

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Excellent piece...very clear analysis of the exchange between both men. It was never a debate though because Biden was out on his feet^^

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Great analysis - spot on! Now regarding our November election choices and getting major issues corrected in and for our country…I have believed for more than 2 years, much before anyone spoke it out loud, and still believe, that Nicky Haley is the best choice for Trump’s and America’s VP. The reasons for this choice are obvious to most well informed and level headed people. Nicky brings balance to Trump’s “issues”, she appeals to many of the people that Trump does not, and she makes a great diplomat in these times of desperate need around the globe. Watch her UN speeches - she’s absolutely fearless. She’s grounded. She’s unflappable. She’s already led a State Government successfully, and was strong on courting businesses to move to her state (to grow her economy). While people may not be completely ready to have her in the Presidency yet, four years in and around the White House and the relevant responsibilities would make her a natural to succeed Trump for the next eight years. I’m not advocating for, nor did I support her for President, but I do believe Nicky as VP would be a great next step and growth position for her, giving her time to mature into a bigger role. Make no mistake, Trump is the best and only choice to right the ship at this time in our country’s history, we need his strength and bullish unstoppable spirit, but we also have to look to the future past his next four years, and Haley has the chops and appeal to succeed him, and brings in a huge amount of non-Trump voters to make this a SURE landslide victory, no matter what the Dems try to pull or orchestrate during this election with their “win at all costs, do whatever it takes and lie about it” attitude. Trump/Haley is THE unbeatable ticket, they just have to put their egos in their pocket and move forward together to put the country back on track. Together I believe they can and will.

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Nikki Haley is one of the worst human beings on this planet. Strategically, she adds no votes to Trumps ticket.

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I will vote for RFK Jr. for president. I have never wanted a candidate more than him.

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